In today's life money is essential as the water we drink or the air we breath. We need money to live. A life without money is difficult. We need money for absolutely everything. However, many of us feel guilty about this subject. Most of us were raised believing that money is evil or more or less that is hard to get and that only a few in the world are worth to have it. Super ironic is not it when money is so essential for today's life.
The majority of the population of the world only have money to survive, others earn it but do not know how to keep it, and others have the money and are afraid to spend it and. On the other hand are those who were raised with a positive attitude toward money and they are the ones that understand that money is essential for everything and that in order to have it, you must have a good relationship with it.
My relationship with money was not any different then the majority of the population. My personal development is a catastrophe. A side of my family think very poor about money and life in general. They are broke, sick and unwanted. The other side of my family works really, really hard because money is essential and you must have good savings in case of anything happening. This side only works, works, works, works, works, works, and forget that live is an experience. Neither of these family tough me anything good about money. At times I found myself afraid to spend money because I need to have money to survive, but since I am made out of these two worlds. I always found someone broke that I felt the need to give all my money. I could not keep money for anything. All I have done no matter how hard I work is lose it all.
In my desperation to learn about this subject I found the most remarkable answers. Money is energy. We attract money when we are enriched. We can not feel poor and attract money and abundance and here is what I learned:
2.Work on your energy level. Most of us were raised believing that the only way to get money is by working hard, but money is energy. The same way that we attract good people and situations into our lives, the same way, it works with money. Have you heard that money attracts money? Here is the reality: we must be good to ourselves and others to be in good vibration. And I don't mean to fake it just to place ourselves in a position of obtaining money. I mean you must get to a good place that your energy is attracting the good in people and that you are serving the universe with your presence. In other words, you must be positioned to be good to others even with just your presence. Giving from your heart is a remarkable way of telling the universe that your money is to do better to yourself and others. Please understand that greedy people don't get money easily. They have a poor relationship money. The people that are in constant abundance are constantly giving to help others get through life. The Universe rewards these gestures returning everything that you give from their heart. Please be careful, money that is given through manipulations and greed generates misery.
3. Meditate. You can develop a good relationship with money through meditation. There are tones of guided meditation on youtube and they work fantastic. What this does is help you change the story that is in your subconscious mind about money. Do it every day until you feel SUPER comfortable with this subject.
4.You are worth it. The main reason of a bad relationship with money is worthiness. Grow to believe that you are worth of all the good this life has to offer. Not to have money means misery, sickness, worries, stress, anxiety and disdain. And this is what we attract when we believe we don't deserve to have money. We literally don't love ourselves enough to believe that we deserve to have a peace of mind, to be able to buy what we need and not struggle just to put food on the table.
How to make it work:
1.Pay attention to your thoughts. Be kind to yourself. Use thoughts that will empire you. I am worthy, I am kind, I am loved, I am sufficient, I am peace, I am fantastic, I am beautiful, I am smart, I am attractive, I am healthy, I am money, I am wealthy, I am abundance. You must believe that you are worthy of having it all, so, you must work on it, daily.
2. Keep a journal. Start writing down your experience. This will remind you of all the good you experience through the day and it will help you eliminate the poor me scenario.
3. Make a goal. Create a goal that will keep you soul on fire. Every day, work toward your goal with positivism and see it coming. Believe that you are worth of having what you want and that the universe is working with you to make it happen.
4. Don't give up. Defeat your subconscious mind. Work daily with your purpose until you are comfortable enough to believe that your goal is unfolding, because if you believe it, it will be yours.
Juana Vasquez
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