Let God deal with things

This is so true, and I am aware of it. But as a human being that feels and deals with an EGO that is constantly fighting to win and come out and fight, i have to say, its very difficult sometimes to not get mad, or get mad, to then be able to  let go. I know that there is nothing greater then GOD, and when we put everything that happens to us in his hands, magic happens. But it is that battle between the right and wrong that resides within us that makes it very difficult to just let it be, at least by my part. We get used to that quick high from the Ego as we get mad; we immediately take the roll of making someone pay for what was wrong.  Then to let go to that state of madness and just have faith in God, it is difficult. Sometimes we feel that to let go is to loose, regardless if we are just extending a dilemmaa. In another words we fail to understand, and we fail to believe. This is one of the most difficult things i have to learn to deal with. We all have a reason to be who we are, and we all have a reason to do the things we do. But to me, its hard to let in a person that just did wrong. How can that happened? How can we trust again? Should not it be the other way around, should not someone that fail be the one that has to work to get trusted again? This dilemma is very confusing to me, and very hard to do as well. For example: when i purchased my first car in the year of 1995, i was engaged in a dirty negociation. The car had many huge problems. The guy that sold it to me was going to a hard time economically. He sold it for the money. When i realized the deal, i was really mad. He did quick fixes to the car, but i ended up having mayor problems with it. This guy I trusted, and liked him but that incident changed the entire perception of who he is. I see him in family reunions and can not see a good man in his face. And he has done a lot of things that defines him as a good man, but still I see a guy that is capable of screwing any one for its benefits. So, I truly do not know how to deal with situations like this, where I just keep on going and God will take care of it. I wish I could, because I have seeing people that fixed this dilemmas really well, and they just put everything in God's hand and sincerely their garden is better and bigger then mine. I actually see their capability to be happy and content. So, it is a true statement, some of us just do not know how to do it.

Juana Vasquez
